The Note
Yesterday was not a charming day. New kid came in and man oh manischewitz he was a force to be reckoned with. I won't go into the gory details, but just accept it when I tell you that there was bedlam in that room, bedlam the likes of which I've never seen. The peeps had to write me letters at the end of the day and one wrote, "This place is nuts, including me and you." Another kid wrote, "Don't feel you're a bad teacher! It was just an off day!" I thought that was v. generous. After a relaxing evening in front of Top Chef and a good siesta, I'm feeling better. I'm going back in. Cover me.
and then the bad decision on top chef.
what a day.
Monday: quite bad
Tuesday: wonderful
Wednesday: nightmare beyond compare
Thursday: v. pleasant
You see?