The Rug

Lesson plans need to be written but I keep fooling around with minor room details. Today I used fabric scraps to make a small rug for my fake pet dog Carney. After working on that for awhile I decided I need to just go buy a real rug and some random dog accoutrements, like food bowls and some plastic chew toys. Maybe toss in a few dog books too. I suppose it seems like an avoidance technique, but right now, getting the Carney details down feels critical. It's as if everything rests on getting this right.


Anonymous said…
This sounds like so much fun!
I miss all the beginning of school stuff.
LH said…
The room's looking good. I like the beginning stuff too. I like having a job with starting and ending points.
Anonymous said…
As someone with a "regular" job, I miss the beginning and ending stuff. I'm realizing this is the first year I haven't really felt the back-to-school tug of needing a new wardrobe, or at least new notebooks and pens.

Perhaps the upcoming trip to France will provide a sense of beginning and ending. Perhaps I need to convince myself that it will, as I am experiencing a level of cynicism about my job these days that can't be good for anyone, especially me.

Perhaps i just have the 7 year itch?

LH said…
i was getting a bit cynical at oldschool so a change is good.
when do you leave for the trip you're taking, the one that makes me envious?
Anonymous said…
Friday, September 7th is the big date.

The intermediate date worth noting is Sunday, August 19; Bob and I, along with some other more experienced folks, will be climbing Mt. Whitney.

We start our trip this Wednesday, after a Tuesday night Patti Smith show in SF with Ms. Butler. Yeah!
LH said…
omg, you brats.
I want to see Patti Smith.
V. badly.

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