The End

Not sure how I'm going to get back into gear tomorrow. But it has to be done and I'll think about that tomorrow. For tonight, I'm lazing about, obsessed with the health care bill. I'm camped out in bed, watching on tv and reading tweets online. It's exciting. I hope it passes.


Anonymous said…
How's Q doing today? Tell Ros I said Hi! I hope to catch a glimpse or a hug from her while she's in town!
Anonymous said…
I see you're enjoying Picnik.

Hope Q is holding up.

KC said…
I was so excited about the health care bill. Now I'm feeling down in the dumps about the fallout from the asshats. what should i do?
Unknown said…
"Asshats." tee hee. She said "asshats."

Ok, I wish I could be more grown up about it, but the asshats are being such asshats, I find it impossible.


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