The Spillway

We drove out to Lake Lemon today.  Our goal was to hike on the short but good Bob Klawitter Trail. After a pleasant hike, we decided to drive down a road called Spillway Road, as we were looking for a way to approach the lakeshore.  When Spillway Road dead-ended, we came upon the structure pictured here, which we decided must be, in actual fact, known locally by the term "spillway."  See how the water is spilling over the edge there?  And remember how the road was called Spillway Road? Ipso facto.

We've lived here for decades, but everyone we know must have "forgotten" to tell us about this beautiful spillway. We were stymied as we gazed upon it, admiring geese with goslings and a couple of mallard brothers. We sent photos of the spillway to our children who have moved away from this place, their native land.   #1 Son was as shocked as we were, but come to find out, 20 Something used to go to this spillway frequently.  News to us.  I wonder what she was doing out there, to tell you the truth.  We saw some youth huddled in circles near coolers down at the end of the spillway. We also saw some people smoking cigarettes.

The point is, if you have a spillway in your town, spread the word.  There's no need for secrets between friends, family members and fellow citizens. Don't hide your town's treasures.  Share them with those around you.


mm said…
Great picture!
KC said…
It's so annoying when people fail to share. So glad you're finally in the know.
Julie said…
Ive run here many times. Sorry I never told you about it. Just in case, you do know there is a spillway for lake monroe as well, right?

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