The Break

So far, spring break has been not that great. I stayed in bed all day, blowing my nose over and over again. Watched a bunch of stupid tv and napped and watched more tv. Then we rented a movie and watched that. Here's my plan: Sleep tonight and then wake up tomorrow completely well, happy to be alive.


dw said…
Sorry you're feeling bad -not sure why, but for some reason I really like this picture. Feel better soon. KC is really into hockey right now. She is glued to the tv watching the state high school hockey tourney now and I am surfing the internet. Kind of a role reversal around here - not sure what to think of it.
KC said…
Well, my school won the championship. Go Whores! as Mac would say. ("Hornets" is the translation...)

Hope you're feeling better, Lee.
Anonymous said…
I'm back in town. Hoping you are feeling better. And looking forward to Wednesday. Are we still on? What time is good for you?

Anonymous said…
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Julie Anna said…
bummer, girlfriend. Hope you are feeling better soon. I was horribly sick on our island vacation two years ago and it totally sucked eggs. I did not get sick this year, but I still have this slight irrational fear of getting sick if I take a week off. It's really not fair.
Anonymous said…
Have spent more than my fair share -- if you value my opinion, and I do -- of vacations with a cold, including the last few days of our NYC trip last October AND Thanksgiving weekend.

It really $#@@!* my %$$ off. So I am sending a great deal of sympathy your way.

Although I wouldn't mind some sustained reading time. A few pages away from finishing Chronic City by Jonathan Lethem. Am enjoying it, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed Motherless Brooklyn (Thanks Cynthia!)

And I am already a few pages into In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. and I know I will like that.


LH said…
I'm feeling better at last. We got out today and did a few things. Still, I'm left with a residual sense of annoyance at losing 3 days. time to get over it and start living life to the fullest.

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