The Sparrow

Cute child walked straight up to me this morning and pulled a dead sparrow out of her pocket. "Look what I brought for morning meeting," she yelled. I thought I was going to start vomiting, but instead I told her to wrap it in a paper towel and then go wash her hands very well with soap. We put it on the document reader and checked it out for a few moments at morning meeting, but when they left for gym a bit later, that sparrow headed out to the dumpster.

When I told #1 son the story this evening, he responded lackadaisically with, "Have you blogged about it yet?"
I'm about to, I told him, but I think he could have mustered more enthusiasm.


KC said…
gross, gross, gross.

i'm impressed you didn't vomit. i would have screamed. i just don't deal well with birds close up. dead or alive.
Anonymous said…
One time a first grader brought Kathy a dead snake. He told her that he saw a dead snake at the bus stop and she didn't believe him. He walked over to his backpack and showed it to her.
Dorothy said…
When I was still at the NJ college, a student brought an injured pigeon to our nurse. Although she's usually quite gentle and compassionate, our nurse screamed, "Get that flying rat out of here!"

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