The Voles

Student teacher dissected owl pellets with the peeps yesterday. A first for most of them and for all of me. One owl coughed up 3 vole skulls. What a great hunter. Where do people get these owl pellets I'm wondering. Are they just out there on the ground in meadows or woodlands? I never see them.


Anonymous said…
When I taught environmental ed, we did owl pellets; and we ordered them from a catalog. I have only seen two or three owls in the wild, but when I did it was a thrilling experience.
LH said…
I've always wanted to see an owl in the wild. At this point, I would settle for an owl pellet in the wild.

We got ours from a catalog too, but I want to know where the catalog people get em. Is there an owl pellet collection cottage industry?
Julie Anna said…
There are several groups who do rescue operations for birds of prey. I saw a presentation by a woman in Michigan once, and I did the pellet dissection with the boys one time. Anyway, they had all kinds of owls in their rescue center, and since they feed them voles and mice even in captivity, I'm assuming they could also collect the pellets. Seeing an owl in the wild is really amazing. I took the boys on an "owl walk" late at night at a KY state park. The walk leader set up a tape recording which wild owls would then hear and respond to and come around. I have had owls living in my yard, and while I've only seen it once, I hear it quite regularly in the summer. One night Andy and I were outside, Andy was playing guitar, and he got an owl talking back to him! It was pretty awesome.
Julie Anna said…
Oh, and kudos to Pedro for unloading the dishwasher. It is my most hated household chore.
Anonymous said…
Hey! Stop the train everyone!! No one mentioned how darned cute that dog was about 4 blogs ago. She is just adorable and I think everyone is thinking the very same thing.

In the field next to me, I see owls every once in a while. One winter I went "owling" with a group in town and saw 2 owls. I think that pretty much makes me an owl expert. Feel free to ask me questions if you'd like.
Anonymous said…
I agree! Forget the owls! That dog was one of the cutest I've ever seen! I want to meet her!
Anonymous said…
Am curious about the gerbil situation and need an update. Talked with Q and he of course was not much help. Both boys keep talking about the new glasses and I need to see them -Am waiting for a blog about them.
LH said…
Hamster situation: 2 kid hamsters walked out of the igloo yesterday. They're about 1.5 inches long. Eyes still shut. Mom walked over and threw each one back into the igloo. She was a little rough on them, but i think she is taking care of them because they seemed very much alive.

They are weaned at 3 weeks. 2 more weeks to go. Have homes for 3 of them and Judy said she would take one of the adults. I'm a little sad about splitting up the adults, but I can not have this problem ever again. Females are fertile every 4 days, so you can see there's a big problem there if these hamsters have been identified incorrectly in terms of gender.

new glasses are a little on the funky side, but i think we're all getting used to them over here.

right now i'm in the schoolzone. don't want to stay all day, but who knows? It very well could happen.

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