The Trip

NY is fun and that's all there is to it. Now I'm home and wondering how to get rid of fruit flies. Ick. I didn't have this problem when I was in NY. I just walked around, wandered through museums, ate fine foods, and cavorted with pals. I did some work at a literacy conference too but compared to the fruit fly dilemma, that task was a piece of cake. They seem to like to hop into my wine, so I'm leaving a glass of wine out overnight as a trap. I'll let you know how it works out.


Anonymous said…
I've been having problems with fruit flies too! What's that about? They are just gross and I keep looking around for a piece of spoiled fruit or something and I don't see it. Let me know about the trap.
LH said…
trap didn't work so well. got about 3. but maybe there are only 3? I can't tell.
i think i recall leaving a cup of vinegar out is a good plan.
i will look into that.
glad we're not the only ones with this situation.
Anonymous said…
beer might trap me... Gin would be better, though. Try gin.

KC said…
i think i have ff's living in my garbage disposal. do you think that's possible? every time i turn it on, i swear one or two flies out.

anyway, i poured some boiling water down there today. i'll let you know what happens.
Anonymous said…
Wine seems to work well for the San Francisco fruit flies. They prefer an oaky red. I am trying to convince them to just move to Napa and leave my kitchen alone.

Love you

LH said…
This is what I've found out by reading about fruit flies and not writing the last chapter of the diss.
There are a lot of products out there to get rid of them, but if you find the rotting food source and eliminate it and then keep your house rotting food free from that point on, they will not be able to reproduce and will eventually die out. And yes, a drain or garbage disposal can house your flies. A gelatinous film forms in the drain where food decomposes and the larva are deposited in that film. There's a special product for drains with fruit flies in them, but the boiling water may do the trick. Keep us posted, kc. We have some gin bob, so i'll experiment with that later. And sisterwoman, with the wine country so close by, that might be part of the problem.

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