The Fawn

This is our new pet. Don't worry, we're going to let him free as soon as we teach him how to fend for himself in the wild.
Foto credit: Sisterwoman


Anonymous said…
What do you mean when you say "we"? A neighbor of mine said she saw a fawn with wobbly legs and its mother just yesterday in her backyard.

Awesome link to kid's magazines!!
This must go on library website.
LH said…
I saw a lone mom deer in our backyard the other evening. she must have left her fawn behind.

i've been checking out some good writing blogs this week. there's a list of great sites for writer's in this month's writer's digest. i'll make a copy for you my friend.
Undomestic said…
Where did you find Bambi?
LH said…
he was just sitting on the deck a few days ago. We let him go last night. a few deer were hanging out in the backyard and he just walked right over to them and they all slipped off thru the honeysuckle brush.
Julie Anna said…
I'm worried, friend. We found a fawn in the backyard last year, no mother around. Called Animal Control because I thought it might be hurt (but it wasn't) and they said the mother's often leave fawns in a safe place for the day, while the forage for food, and then come back to get it. Do you think she came back? I'm worried.
LH said…
I'm pretty sure she came back. I would come back for my offspring.
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Mom. -r
LH said…
no problem, dear...

(a little pun!)

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