The Kids

More bad news for a lot of the kids who suffered through Hurricane Katrina. You can read about it here.
First they lose their homes. Then they have to leave family and friends and move to TEXAS, the state where schools resemble mechanized testing mills. Then they are forced to take a standardized test that doesn’t match what they’ve learned in their home schools. So of course many are failing the test. And NOW, they’re going to flunk school this year. We have to hold them back because we don’t want to leave them behind, don’t you see?


Undomestic said…
This makes me truly sad.
LH said…
me too.
there's an old study i've heard of a zillion times (it could just be lore, but it rings true) that claims that being retained is most kids' #2 fear. #1 is their parents' dying.
KC said…
this is really horrible. i can't believe someone can't figure out what to do about this. like, if i were in charge of texas schools, i would exempt the nola kids for at least one year. i'm sure someone at the doe would have to agree. it seems simple!!
Anonymous said…
There are current studies that show kids who are retained do not do well. Common sense tells us that as well. This just makes my heart ache.
Julie Anna said…
this is very sad. Is there anything to be gained from a letter writing campaign? Who would we write to? I should go check out the website you listed, maybe it says.
LH said…
hey all, we keep talking about it with the sixers. they are grateful they don't live in that state. we've also been chatting about the article about the kid in indy who discovered he brought his swiss army knife to school, so he turned it in to the office and got suspended. Now he's not suspended any more, but the sixers are still up in arms about zero tolerance.

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