The Rain

It's a rainy blustery day.  I made a film about it.


mm said…
I do love the sound of rain. What are you presenting at NCTE?
LH said…
I like the sound too.

KC and I presenting something about our cross age podcasting project. I think it's going to be good. If I can keep working away at it!
Anonymous said…
Love the movie.
Is it tricky to put Flip movies on the computer?

Thanks for the visit.

Kc said…
The film is terrific! Very arty.
LH said…
D, It's simple. Plug the thing in, the movie pops up. Thank YOU for the visit. It's always fun.

Thanks, KC. I'm into making one minute films now.
Julie Anna said…
love the film shorts, especially that you have captured one of the few moments of rain this whole long dry summer.

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