The Table

I'm kind of wishing I hadn't volunteered to sit at the "homework table" every day.  I guess it's not the worst thing in the world.  Homework isn't the happiest event in the world, tho, and I've been able to work with kids on happy events most of the time in this new gig.  I may have to be super helpful with the homework table.  I want the peeps to like me.


you know. said…
sitting at the homework table sounds like a drag. in a similar way, i wish i hadn't allowed myself to be manipulated into working at eight o'clock in the morning every day except friday this semester... and also working friday even though that's more hours than I'm even allowed to work?!

we'll get through it. the question is, why are you not talking to me on the phone? i can see that you're home because of your twitter.
LH said…
I snuck in while you were talking to dad. I thought he would bring the phone to me. no such luck.

maybe i'll try to skype you.
Anonymous said…
I too miss my TD. There is too much testosterone surrounding me and I could use some nice quiet chit-chat and a tv partner. Grace seems to be doing fine-she's thinking of switching a class and she says the food is not good. I am feeling the start of a stress backache-day 9 and I think that is pretty good for holding the tension at bay. Wine soon?

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