The Makeover
Good pal Menosky told me about a classroom make over contest kids can enter. If they write something nice about their teacher, she or he may win a classroom makeover worth 25,000 dollars. I want this very badly, so I introduced the contest rules to the sixers.
After a long silence, one sixer said, “I guess we shouldn’t mention all the homework you give?”
Another added, “Or the annoying singing that goes on constantly in here?”
When I told them they should focus on the good, rather than the quirky or the odious, a sixer asked, “Good points may have to be exaggerated. Is that okay?”
“Look,” I answered sternly. “Just get me that classroom make over. I don’t care what you have to do. Just get it.”
I could have pointed out the plethora of carpet tears, furniture breakages and door carvings that they’ve left as their classroom legacy, but I’ve let go of all that. I hope a few sixers rise to this occasion. They really have been hard on that old classroom, the place where I’ll remain after they move on.
BTW...those kids love you.
I can just imagine a real desk. Not two filing cabinets with a cheap piece of kitchen counter stretched across the top.
mr. j., check out this website...
my room is a pit. i want a new room. is that asking too much?