The Makeover

Good pal Menosky told me about a classroom make over contest kids can enter. If they write something nice about their teacher, she or he may win a classroom makeover worth 25,000 dollars. I want this very badly, so I introduced the contest rules to the sixers.
After a long silence, one sixer said, “I guess we shouldn’t mention all the homework you give?”
Another added, “Or the annoying singing that goes on constantly in here?”
When I told them they should focus on the good, rather than the quirky or the odious, a sixer asked, “Good points may have to be exaggerated. Is that okay?”
“Look,” I answered sternly. “Just get me that classroom make over. I don’t care what you have to do. Just get it.”
I could have pointed out the plethora of carpet tears, furniture breakages and door carvings that they’ve left as their classroom legacy, but I’ve let go of all that. I hope a few sixers rise to this occasion. They really have been hard on that old classroom, the place where I’ll remain after they move on.


Anonymous said…
Could we pretend to be students and write something?
BTW...those kids love you.
Anonymous said…
What are the details on the classroom make over? I am sure one of my Angels will figure out a way to get me that prize. My air conditioner makes so much noise that we have to turn it off to have a discussion.

I can just imagine a real desk. Not two filing cabinets with a cheap piece of kitchen counter stretched across the top.

LH said…
thanks jdear. several say they're on the job. cross your fingers for me.

mr. j., check out this website...

my room is a pit. i want a new room. is that asking too much?

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