The Odes

Today some construction paper pencils were created with our little second grade buds. After finishing the artwork, we all wrote odes to pencils and these odes were quite good. The sixers got into it, gushing lines like, "Oh lovely pencil, how I love your squishy eraser" and "Dearest pencil, how sad am I, that you're now barely a nub and must be discarded."
My favorite was, "Pencil, you had me at hello."


KC said…
this sounds like a lot of fun. i said it before, and i'll say it again -- i'll ship sheffie to you for sixth grade.
LH said…
i'll take him, happily.
Maybe I can homeschool just him.
Think you and d can afford that?
The kid would be educated well, let me assure you. let's think this over.
Anonymous said…
My best friend in high school wrote a really great ode to her pen in class one day. Apparently, this assignment would work for 10th graders too.
KC said…
luckily, homeschooling shef will be its own reward, so you won't feel the need for payment.

would you like him now? i'm awfully sick of getting clobbered in the face each evening and then having him say, "i'll go cry in my room."

clearly, my punishments are effective
Anonymous said…
I have never been a fan of the pencil, perhaps it is the maintenance factor. It has to have accessories, it creates small shavings which may prompt one to purchase a dirt devil, another accessory. Perhaps it is because there are no cool adages associated with the pencil. "The pencil is mightier that the sword"? It was all ove with "one stroke of the pencil"? There are also numbers used to distinguish pencils, where is the chart that tells me the difference between the #2 pencil and pencils with other numbers. Why have I never heard of the #1 pencil?

Maybe it is the mechanical pencil that was a favorite of our dear brother Glenn, I think I still have one of his but again the accesories make me shy away.
LH said…
that shefster line is pretty funny. it reminds of a sixer who this week got in trouble with the principal, but returned to the room proudly and announced, "I took my responsibility." Thanks, bud.

and sisterwoman, i actually don't love pencils and never use one, except of course for sudoku.
and many of the sixers remarked that pencils deserved no odes, but they didn't convince me like your comments have. pencils are quite the pain in the ass.
Undomestic said…
I really think you should move back to MN just to educate our children!

And along with Shef, can I send Max? I'm sure they'd get a long great!
LH said…
Yes, I would like a little apartment in Uptown, okay?
We'll spend a lot of our time at the Walker.
Yes, the plan is forming...
Anonymous said…
I think I recognize this happy face in your picture! Can we get together soon and talk about pencils and other important topics?
LH said…
m, we must venture out.
what's going on with your four day weekend???
a memorial day breakfast???
teaguester, you game?

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