The Calls

Sue Swartz --- Great exhibit at the Convention Center.  Check it out if you feel like it.
Sometimes I wish phone calls would shut off after 3 minutes.  Kind of like twitter.  Not all the time, but sometimes. I would call people more if that was an option.  If I knew a call was just going to shut down after 3 minutes, I'd share random thoughts and not worry about my old nemesis, TIME.  If I had the 3 minute option today, I'd call 20 Something and #1 Son.  I'd say, "Today I thought I heard a new kind of bird call in the yard.  I listened to it for awhile, wondering what kind of bird it could be.  Then I realized it was the washing machine making a squeaking sound.  We're playing bridge tonight. You doing okay?" 

Not super different than a text, but hearing the person's voice would be the significant benefit of this innovative approach to phone calling.


mm said…
Great idea and example!
cb said…
Cool idea and post. It gets me thinking about how important the sound of a person's voice can be. xo

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