The Rays

The report cards were a pain the neck this week, but they're handed out and I'm feeling much less stressed.  Tomorrow an 8th grader is going to interview me about what changes I think Barack Obama should make to our educational system.  I will tell him that Barack should do away with report cards.  


Anonymous said…
What the heck is going on with everyone is this picture?
KC said…
you're right. grading needs some serious rehaul.
Anonymous said…
I've tried the voice thread. I've typed my comment and hit save but it doesn't appear next to the otter picture. Any hints?
LH said…
did you go to the voice thread site and register???

i'm having problems with it too because i want to record another comment and it seems each person can just make one comment?

That's somewhat limiting. but maybe i'm wrong.

as for the pic, they're up to nonsense, as usual.
Anonymous said…
I did go register and uploaded a pic too. I can see your various comments by clicking on the squares on the bottom of the picture. You've written several with just one pic.
LH said…
okay, let me check that out. I am now obsessed with looking at voice threads. there are many very cool ones.
KC said…
i figured out the voicestream, and now i like it. i sang a song about otters that i learned when i was in high school. there are more verses, but i just did one.
Anonymous said…
KC - Did you upload the song onto Lee's voice thread?
KC said…
yes - it's at the end. well, i sang it into the microphone on my computer. can you hear it? there were some days when i had trouble hearing voicethread, but now i can hear it fine.
Julie Anna said…
Either picture alone is rather amusing, but the two pictures together, with pedro and son illustrating variations of glum, are cracking me up. Did you see the poll in which, in terms of overall job satisfaction plus pay plus lack of danger, etc, they came up with Mathematician as the number one best job? A reason to smile, pedro my friend. ;)

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