The Comments

This year's sixers and cincos are really taking up my invitation to comment on the edublog I set up. Right now they're debating the use of the term "food insecurity" that's being used instead of the word "hunger." We read about this in a Newsweek article by Anna Quindlen.
Some of the quieter sixers really let loose with their opinions on the blog. I like that. One sixer calls himself Mr. Turkey and writes ridiculous comments. We're all trying to determine Mr. T's identity, so that lends an air of mystery to the edublog as well.


Anonymous said…
I love that some of your kids are knitting hats for newborn babies who need them! Awesome.
LH said…
well, we're not actually doing it yet. 2 boys did make caps, but teendaughter's going to help me with the pattern over break.
caps for the capital does sound like a fantastic project. let's see if i can get this moving.

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