The Brink

We're home now. I'm working away this week on that which shall not be named. Within the same hour I can verge from elation at finishing up a section and then swing on over to the brink of utter despair at how inadequate t.w.s.n.b.n. is turning out to be. But I remember the profound words of good friend RT, "The only good dissertation is a done dissertation," and I plug along.


Anonymous said…
Welcome home.
LH said…
thanks kiddo.
Anonymous said…

You are so strong. You returned from Paris and began working on your thing that shall not be named! If it were me, I would be in bed depressed and moaning the fact that I have to write that thing.

Welcome back to the USA. George Bush has given me offical welcoming status (since we are such good friends!)

LH said…
hey mr jefe,
be assured...there's moaning going on. a plethora of moaning.

thanks for the welcome from you and from our good friend gwb.
I met so many of his pals over there in france.

how's your summer going?

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