The Favorite House Plant

I have 2 house plants that have lived for 30 years.  When I received these house plants as gifts, I didn't know I'd be taking care of them for decades.  It seems weird to just kill them now because I'm tired of watering them and they're not super attractive.  I appreciate the extra oxygen, but a home oxygen concentrator could work just as well and I'm thinking of getting one of those.  No watering required.  People say they always kill their plants.  I should be so lucky.

My favorite house plant is the bonsai that I got for Mother's Day in 2018. Did you know that a bonsai needs to be watered EVERY SINGLE DAY?  It's true, and if I can't water that bonsai, I recruit others to do the job for me. Thank you to all the bonsai sitters who have helped out. You know who you are.

 The problem with the bonsai is that I'm pretty sure it needs to be repotted.  Based on my research, re-potting a bonsai is a tough job. A job for professionals. I won't even attempt it.  Is there someone in this godforsaken town that can repot my favorite house plant, for cash or barter?  I've done the googling, so don't even go there.  There has to be a way to get my favorite house plant into a new home.  SAVE MY BONSAI. It's my favorite house plant.


mm said…
I hope you find someone to replace this house plant.
cb said…
Maybe Ross Gay could help? Just a thought.

Judy said…
Such a great picture of two wonderful friends.
Julie said…
It just so happens that number one son is very into Bonsai and has several of them at his home which he has repotted and done other things to. They seem very happy and healthy. He has studied the art of bonsai and has a special little tool kit with which he works on his trees. He'll be home from Christmas Eve through New Year's eve. If you're around then, I'm sure he would repot your bonsai.
LH said…
I won't be around, but maybe there's a way that we can get the bonsai into his competent hands, if he's willing and able.

Thanks, Julie, for thinking of how to save my favorite house plant.

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