The Clickiness

So today I got on a plane and flew to Austin, Texas.  First thing I did when I got here was check into my pleasant hotel.  Then I went to get my badge.  Then I went back to my room to keep practicing my talk.  This talk's been giving me grief, but it's not really the talk's fault. I just keep getting distracted by stuff.

My mood brightened when I discovered a little shop in the lobby where you can buy sandwiches and bottles of WINE!  Once I feel like I'm 100% ready for tomorrow, I'll relax and watch TV and enjoy the fruit of the vine.

My room overlooks a beautiful outdoor pool.  I'm tempted to make my way down there, but every single person, save one,  is part of a cool in crowd group, also known as a clique. There's one guy who is not mingling but he's talking on his phone while he stands in four feet of water. I feel sorry for him.  It's best for me to stay up here and practice the talk again.  Then I'll catch up on The Bachelorette and imagine how great it's going to feel tomorrow night when the talk is over.


cb said…
Good decision. I bet your talk will be fab.

When mbk was in Austin recently, she and her pal watched bats fly out from under a bridge. It sounded pretty cool.

(this is my second try at posting this comment so please forgive duplication. But the bats . . .)
LH said…
I am hoping to see the bats. The bat bridge is about a half mile away so there's really no reason why I shouldn't see bats.
Anonymous said…
I hope you see the bats! They fly east along the river, but if you are able to go to the bridge at sundown and need a bat snack from a place with cool decor, I recommend Berry Austin.

- mbk :)
KC said…
I too would like to see the bats. Can't wait until the talk is over and you're collecting accolades!

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