The Force

On Friday I walked around with a Thirdlander at extra recess who is making original Valentines for each person in the class.  He told me, "Yours is all about Star Wars."  I've never expressed much interest in Star Wars, but I took this to be a compliment.  Then he went through each classmate and told me what he was doing to make each card unique.  As he talked, I thought, "That's pretty cool," and "I wonder if this activity is driving his parents crazy?" and "I hope his parents don't think that I suggested that he do this."

I remember when my kids were at home.  20Something frequently wanted to make her Valentines.  One year she made a Beatles All You Need Is Love theme which required a trip to the copying store for color copies.  I remember thinking it was kind of a hassle, but a cool idea overall. I bought my cards this year.  They have Snoopy on them, which is awesome but the even greater part is that they're STICKERS!!!!!

The thing I love about the Day o' Love is the passing out of the cards.  The Thirdlanders look over each one for the important meanings of each.  You'll hear them calling out across the room, "Thank you, JOE!" and "I love this, ANNA!"  "There's a level of sweetness that I can barely stand.  There are some awesome parents bringing some games in for our party. Also, I bought a lady bug craft for the Thirdlanders to make.  It's always touch and go with the craft part of the party.  Sometimes the Thirdlanders don't want to make the crafts I plan and I have to get fairly directive which can impinge on the loving atmosphere of the day.  In the end, the Day o' Love is sure to be a good time.  Husbandman's going out of town, so I may have to pick up a rose or two for myself.


LevineLiteracy said…
You certainly deserve that rose! Love the feelings of positive energy! Mark
This picture is unreal!
mm said…
I love the new background and the Thirdlanders.

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