The KoolAid

I watched a pbs show about Jim Jones last night and it really freaked me out.


Anonymous said…
I saw the same show and was creeped by it. I remember as a kid when that happened. Horrible.
LH said…
I didn't get why the parents who lived, after poisoning their kids, didn't do some time for murder?

I'm usually pretty sympathetic, but really, come on!

And I'm surprised at how much it bugged me that he was an IU grad.
KC said…
these kids are super cute.

i did a whole report on jim jones when i was in high school. the whole thing was really horrifying.
Dorothy said…
I turned it off. Didn't want to relive that horror. Still couldn't stop thinking about it.

Different topics:
1. April arrives tomorrow. When can we do the Spring lambs, etc.?
2. I have a little book that's supposed to help kids write their own fairy tales. Interested?

Anonymous said…
They didn't go to prison?????
LH said…
J, I don't think so. But I could be wrong.

D... next thursday, same bat time, same bat channel???
Anonymous said…
I love that photo! The kids are so cute! I watched that same show and it freaked me out too. I remember that time very well as we had just started college and within days we had the Milk/Moscone murders. It was a very intense time. But that documentary showed more than the snapshot that I remembered. It is unbelievable that these events even took place. I could not believe all the details and all archival material in the doc. Just beyond belief....

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