The Game

Lacrosse is a mix of weird games. Football, hockey, jai alai, soccer, and cream the guy with the ball. When a player is running with the ball, players can run behind him and whack him with their sticks. I think they're trying to get the kid to drop the ball, but I'm not sure. The whacking from behind would get really annoying if I were playing. I'm surprised the players don't turn around and start wailing away on their perps. That's what would happen at my school, without a doubt. But they just zip along, cradling that ball like it's a little child.

We lost 7 - 6, but it was exciting to watch. #1 is just a freshman, so he didn't get much playing time, but that's okay with me. No rush. No worries.


Anonymous said…
Don't feel guilty about the pencil sharpener. I have found that the only ones worth buying are expensive, and even then, they are good for a couple of years at best.
LH said…
The one that just broke lasted about 7 months. But that's not surprising considering how many people jammed stuff into it.

I always have the rule that they can't touch it, but guess what? They always do.

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