The Update

Late breaking news from KVS, who attended the school board work session last night. The new building will be built, on schedule. This pleases me no end. Our school system has had many problems the past few years. This week another principal quit abruptly. We hired and retired a horrible superintendent a few years ago and this impacted every tendril of the organization, I think. Were the problems brewing before he came and boiled over because of his shenanigans? Or can we blame him for our woes? Or are the problems resulting from NCLB pressure mucking up productive thought and action in schools generally? To get back to the update, our school will be built. And it will be stunning.


Anonymous said…
A fox?! You are way lucky.
LH said…
I know. I felt happy all day yesterday after seeing it. There was a letter to the editor about the east side mystery animal being a fox, just today.
Anonymous said…
I love to see foxes. I usually have one hanging out in my field. Right now I have two pileated woodpeckers. I love to hear their calls and sometimes I see them flying. So beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Hooray for the fact that someone came to his senses, and the school will be built!
But beware of the fox. News today full of the story of the rabid fox that attacked a poodle, and had to be shot by a policeman.
LH said…
Did you hear about that little dog that bit off its owner's toe?

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