The Garden

I bought a bunch of plants this week and I haven't put them in the ground yet. I'm feeling badly about that. I also need to get on the exercise trail. And grade about 90 pieces of writing. It can be done.
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Anonymous said…
Ros looks just stunning. The amazing thing is she's just as stunning on the inside as well.

Did she go to the prom?
LH said…
Yes, she's asleep now. she spent the night in a hotel with her posse. So I did not sleep well. But she's home safe and sound and she said it was fun. success.
Anonymous said…
She does look stunning. Glad she had a good time.
Undomestic said…
She has the best hair! Love those curls!
KC said…
omg, ros is amazing.
LH said…
She does look nice. I wonder why we don't all dress for prom every day.

update: plants were planted yesterday. And my mom wore my pedometer along with her own on her evening walk which helped me get up to 13,000 steps. yay

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