A Dutiful Mind

Boxes unpacked. Kids at day camps. Subterranean basement office set up and ready for productivity. But when a dissertation distraction calls, it is my duty to answer that call.
Off to Chicago to see
Sun Rings, eat at fancy pants restaurants, and yak my head off with Janet. There's really no choice in the matter. Posted by Hello


Julie Anna said…
I recognize those tennies and silently envied them at the last FOTD. Have fun in chicago. I think i'm going to take the boychild there this summer.
jdoc said…
I am a little late on this, but I love the look of the new blog! I feel a bit inspired to change my blog too, but I shouldn't be sick of it yet.

Camp is going well; just wish I had more computer time.
Anonymous said…
tasting menu? do tell!!!
"I race to justify traingin; I train to justify eating"
LH said…
Julie, Chicago was a blast. There's an Ira Glass show there next month that sounds q. good.
jdoc...I was forced to change my blog and I almost chose your template, but i went with julie's template instead. yours looks good. when do you get back from camp?
Hey mr. bob....charlie trotter's menu was spectacular. a dream meal. we should make a plan to go sometime! i loved the rafting fotos on bob and mary . com. yay.

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