The Vision

 This toe thing is starting to really get on my last nerve.  Let's try to ignore it and move on to what we're all here for.... blogging.

On Friday we had vision screening for the 3rdLanders.  One kid didn't want to go because, he said, "I have perfect vision.  I know that because I can see ten miles."

I wondered about this as we walked to the vision testing area.  Maybe he could see ten miles? How would I know?  Maybe he's talking about a time when he was on top of a mountain, or on top of the Willis Tower on a clear day.

Maybe he was lying or simply confused or suffering from delusions of grandeur.   At any rate, we're not great at measuring in ThirdLand.  Yet.  Searching for items that are 4 inches long this week, another 3rdLander wrote down, "Dr. H's ear."  Seriously. My ear is 4 inches a long?  Give me a break, Kid.  I tried to measure my ear for him, but he lost interest and walked away.  

We have work to do, my friends.  We have work to do.  


Janet said…
This one was LOL. Seriously. Very funny and it made me laugh, so thank you for that!

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