The Subs

This week's been a long stretch of misery. First the horrible workshop for teachers where 2 women stood in front of me and told me that I need to test test test test test kids to get them up to speed. They also told me what graphs are and how you can use graphs to actually SEE progress or lack of progress. Half day out of classroom for that one. Then the root canal happened and I was out again. Today I was gone the whole day for a workshop on collaborative teaching. It wasn't too bad, but when one of my collaborators called over to wildschool to get an update on the day, she told me that my Kid-With-Many-Problems (KWMP) had beaten the crap out of my Kid-Who-Is-Quite -Odd-But- Extremely-Amusing (KWIQOBEQ). So that tainted the rest of the day. At the end of the day I went by school to look at KWIQOBEQ's bruised and battered face. It looked quite awful. I talked to a friend at school who told me my students paraded back and forth between the classroom and the office pretty much all day. Then tonight, come to find out, I have lost the battery recharger for my camera. I think I may have left it in Chicago. Flippin icing on the cake.


Anonymous said…
A belated CIYY* week to you! I enjoyed the portable toilet parked on my front lawn not once... not twice.. but three times in the last 24 hours! M's in Sacramento so I'm tiling the bathroom floor where the indoor toilet normally sits. I recommend C-ingIYY to everyone - it's liberating, I say!

*Crap In Your Yard
Julie Anna said…
Sorry to hear about your week, dearheart. I just got done sending a long and most unbecoming whine off to a friend about my own week, which has been just shy of completely unbearable. Is it something in the air? We need to have a whine-over-wine night very soon.
Julie Anna said…
Oh, and an aside to CIYY Bob...some people will be doing that very thing on my wedding day because the partner thinks the septic system won't hold, despite just having it cleaned out, despite it keeping up with any and all comers for 19 years now. Let me restate: the MEN will be CIY at my wedding. The women will not be. I drew my line in the sand. All ye men, CWYW (crap where you want). The rest of us will be comfortably ensconced in the indoor facilities in our time of need. :)
Anonymous said…
I'm up to HERE w/ graphs and Response To Intervention crapola but am officially on spring break for the upcoming week so can probably make it! xoxoxo--B&B
Anonymous said…
this is bad. there's got to be some reality tv on to cheer you up. there's just gotta be.
Anonymous said…
Now the campaign begins to get the kid who beats others out of your room. Permanently. Sorry but it must happen.

You can buy a recharger. I'll go with you. Please let that one go.

Anonymous said…
Yes, let it go. It's easy to replace. Unfortunately Roberts has gone out of business, but are still in Indy. Maybe Cord. You can definitely get one online.
Google: Battery Charger for N...

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