The Runway

I pick Lea, Steven and Carmen to get kicked off next the runway. Go here if you want to contest this.


Anonymous said…
lh, thank you for publicizing my contest. :) sadly, there is no contestant named lea. there is a beautiful model named lea. maybe you mean elisa?? i totally think she and her spit marks will go soon, too.

dan is really upset that judy is not playing. last night, he grabbed my score sheet yelling, "who did judy pick!!" i said, judy did not guess. dan said, "what! she is my only decent competition!"

judy, if you're listening, dan would really like it if you joined in.

also, cari, if you're listening, there is no contestant named marcia. who did you mean?? marion?? but he's a man.

also, lee, i want to read that article about ros. perhaps you could...leak... your subscriber info??

happy thanksgiving! :) xoxo
LH said…
I definitely meant alisa for lea.
And excuse me mr. dan, but did i not predict marion last night???
But we do need to get the judith on board. and where are you menosky? you watch the show, you read the blog, let's put these two events together.

i think i can send you the article, because i was a pinhead about it yesterday and i just figured it out.
LH said…
Oh no, I thought I picked Marion. I guess I was close.
LH said…
i think i sent the ros article to kc and bob/mary. Let me know if this is true.
Undomestic said…
Thanks for reminding me! It was 9:00...when it comes on here when I checked your blog. I immediately ran to the TV to get some PR time in!
Anonymous said…
It is true.

bob & mary

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