Polyps at Le Plage

 Husbandman and I swam at St. Anne Beach today.  It's the most beautiful beach I've seen in many a long day.  We floated along, loving life, when suddenly I noticed I had drifted into a shallow area with a lot of seaweed below me.  I used my left hand to push myself into deeper, less sea-weedy waters. 

I regretted this move instantaneously when 3  blistery welts emerged on my wrist, along with a weird stinging sensation. While others would surely have succumbed to panicked weeping in this situation, I remained calm.

Now, hours later, the welts are gone, yet a slight stinging sensation remains.  Through some topnotch internet research, I've discovered I could possibly have Stinging Seaweed Disease. Or I might have been stung by a polyp form of Cnidaria. 

I'm pretty sure it was the Cnidarian polyp and I'm not too happy about it.

I'm mostly better now, so  I'll be heading back to the beach tomorrow. As I've pointed out before here on little leeway, you've got to take the good with the bad.


cb said…
That is one gorgeous beach! Worth the risk, n'est ce pas?
Julie said…
Catching up on your travels! I miss my tropical vacays. Have to work on John to accept this idea. He thinks Florida is fine, whereas I do not. Also, it could've been a small jellyfish sting. They do that. The little ones are almost impossible to see.
LH said…
Yeah, I think it was a jellyfish polyp in the seaweed. Not fun, but only hurt for a few hours.

Tropical vacay is something we rarely do, but we may have to take it up more frequently. Thanks for catching up on the blog, J!
Mitzi Lewison said…
Glad the sting wasn't bad. I used to get horrible ones growing up in Redondo. We just took the stings as part of the deal of being in the sea.
KC said…
Oh my gosh!! This is so dangerous.

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