The Family Report

I'm with my family in the south. Oldest Brother left for vacation, visiting Older Sister.  Come to find out, he's in the hospital now after 10 hours of vacation.  He has some kind of upper GI problem.  We are worried, but we're also being patient and trusting that he's getting great care.

Meanwhile, Dad was "listing starboard" quite a bit this weekend.  Older Brother was a Navy man so that's how he describes Dad's leaning to the right.  Today the leaning has lessened, but his tooth broke.  We have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow.  No pain with broken tooth. 

I'll keep you posted.



KC said…
Broken tooth sounds like a real drag. And, I will do some Hail Marys for the GI distress. Geez louise.
cb said…
That's a lot, dear friend.

Thank you for the report. Sending love and good vibes eastward.
Mitzi Lewison said…
Yikes! What a return. Hang in there.
Janet said…
Just now catching up...

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