The Peace

Before she died, my mom wrote letters to her six living children.  She shared memories of us that made her happy.  She also asked us to get along and to help each other out.  She told me she needed me to be a peacemaker in the family.  I was happy to get the letter of course, but disgruntled about the peacemaking thing.   I'm not that great at peacemaking to tell you the truth.  My strategy for dealing with discord is IGNORE AND AVOID, which has worked great for me so far.

Mom's death has been a big fat drag in a million ways and come to find out I've now got to try to develop some peacemaking skills.  I'll give it a go, but Mom, let's have low expectations.


mm said…
What an amazing gift...
KC said…
I'm sure your mom might have known about the disgruntlement? I'm so sorry she died.
Anonymous said…
I think you are doing a stellar job with the peacemaking stuff. jw

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