The Super Hero Turkeys of 2018

Camofowlge can blend in with any natural setting.
Here, for instance, she's simultaneously blending in with the sky, a tree, the grass and a cow.

Face Gobbler:  Minion of the Overlord.  With his big tongue, Face Gobbler consumes  the faces of his foes.
He works to serve the evil overlord, Colonel Toddlingham.

Seeing Eye Turkey:  Power of Omniscience. 

Foxy Turkey:  She'll outfox anyone who tries to pull shenanigans with her tribe.

Infiniturk:  Can divide by zero and thereby obtain any number he wants.

Raina:  Brings rain to clean the skies and air.

Shelturkey:  Eliminating homelessness, Punching Out Excuses

Moo-rathon Runner:  A turkey who transforms into  a cow with long distance running stamina.

The Blue Wave:  Getting out the vote in 2020

Carol:  Instantaneously condenses the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas


mm said…
These are perhaps the best ever!!
mar said…
Such amazing creativity in one family! These are all awesome!
KC said…
Wow! I'm very impressed with this crop of turkeys.
KC said…
Actually, I've just learned that a group of turkeys is called a rafter. So, I'm impressed with this rafter of turkeys.
cb said…
What a super rafter of turkeys! I want to live in their world. xo cb
Sandy said…
Best superhero turkeys ever!!
Anonymous said…
So lovely.

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