The Ninjas

We're in spirit week right now.  Today was class color day.  Everyone was supposed to wear the same color.  We had a vote a few days ago and BLACK won.

We were all dressed in black today and we looked awesome, just like ninjas.  Before school started, I  put the Mission Impossible theme song on so we could walk stealthily around the classroom and act like ninjas.  Creative Thirdlander gave me a badge that he made with the letters NB on it.  Ninja Boss.  I was really acting out the ninja part with verve as the music played because I love that song.

One Thirdlander found a way to perch himself under one of the tables. He looked very much like Tom Cruise in the Mission Impossible movie where he was hanging 6 inches above the floor in that room with the all the lasers going everywhere.

After others started trying to copy this move, I decided that maybe we should tone down the whole ninja thing and just move into morning meeting.  I felt badly for being kind of a buzzkill in the end, but   10 minutes of fun is better than none when you think about it. One more day of spirit week.  I will survive.


mm said…
10 minutes of fun IS better than none

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