The Presidency

President Obama!


Anonymous said…
I am so HAPPY! It really did happen! I can't get enough of it! Oranges, cookies, recess, games--time for a celebration!
LH said…
R and I were crying this morning, looking over the pix in the paper. So happy!
KC said…
I'm so happy, too. And I see Indiana is Blue.
LH said…
Indiana is BLUE!
That was super emotional for us!

I do think the blog helped a little. Yay.
Anonymous said…
I am figuratively dancing in the streets.
Never thought it would happen in my lifetime.

LH said…
I feel the same way!

I feel I'm almost in a different world!
Anonymous said…
The blog was the reason! That, and P. going to Bedford. I am convinced! Thank you!
LH said…
Well, we all did our parts. What with the constant checking of CNN and the hair pulling and the constant cross of fingers. And the checking of political blogs. It really took quite a bit of energy getting this guy into office. He wrote me this morning thanking me for all I did.
Anonymous said…
I think the better-late-than-never (one week before election)application of the car magnet put him over the top.


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