The Permission

Knitting has exploded with both sixers and cincos. There's this one sixer who hasn't spoken much with me this year except to tell me that he has no interest in social justice and that he would much rather write the adventures of TBone, the telekinetic super dog, than any writing invitation I could come up with. He approached me on Friday and mumbled below his breath, "I've decided I'm going to let you teach me how to knit. I'll come by on Thursday." GEE GUY, THANKS! Can't wait to see ya!" is what I wanted to say. Instead I whispered back, "I'll have you all set up with needles and yarn. No problem."


Anonymous said…
Can't wait to cast him on tomorrow after school! We should open a business, Mamacita. "

Call it 'Knitting and Purling for Cincos and Punks".

You game?

-Teen Daughter
Undomestic said…
Oh, this is such a cute story! Maybe he wants to make a sweater for his dog.
LH said…
the other teachers are starting to complain about kids knitting in their classes. yikes.

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