The Thanks

 I have remorse about neglecting the blog and you, Dear Reader.  But life's been choppy.  At this moment in time, I'm working on day 9 of nasty pneumonia.  Let me tell you, pneumonia does not come to play.  It kills over 50,000 Americans each year.  

 I'm neither hale nor hearty at this point, but I'm on 2 antibiotics and only coughing 15 times an hour versus 60 to 110 times an hour.  We are trending upward.  

Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Alexander Fleming who accidentally discovered penicillin in 1928.  It would be decades before it could be manufactured in enough quantity to help people like me and it was a team effort.  Howard Florey and Ernest Chain shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine with Fleming in 1945.  I'm not on penicillin because I'm allergic to it, but Fleming's discovery started this whole wild ride of bacteria killing. I also have to recognize the contributions of The Penicillin Girls, the Rotting Cantaloupe, the quantities of Recycled Urine, and of course our own Iowa Corn-Skeet.   BE PROUD, IOWA!

To learn more about the amazing story of penicillin, you should read this important article if you feel like it.  


cb said…
Oh, no! I hope the antibiotics keep working and that recovery will visit you soon. I'm a fan of penicillin, which helped me out when I've had strep throat. Thank you for the penicillin facts!
Mitzi Lewison said…
Your've got to be kidding--pneumonia. Keep getting well my friend. Great research on penicillin!

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