The Science

 If I could back up the bus and do my life over again, I'd probably be a scientist. I'd buy beakers and bunsen burners with my babysitting money.  Melt things and grow mold.  Dig up fossils and dinosaur bones in my backyard.  Bring my microscope out to the canals of Dade County and search for paramecia.  I'd keep bees in bee boxes and bring earthworms into my house to study their family dynamics.  I'd live among blue herons and learn their language.  I'd offer myself up to be the first to test the flu vaccine each year.  I'd always wear a lab coat.  In college, I'd study chemistry and developmental neuroscience and paleontology.  Later on, I'd raise my family in a Biosphere, probably in Antarctica.

I'm happy with how things turned out, but sometimes I wonder if opportunities were lost.


mm said…
Personally, I'm glad you're doing what you're doing although your ideas are intriguing.
KC said…
God, it's too bad you missed the chemistry boat!

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