The Petition

I've been thinking about Breonna Taylor.  When she was murdered, I was in the midst of a crazy time and I didn't pay attention. I knew something had happened, but I didn't go out of my way to find out more.  After George Floyd was murdered, I finally spent some time reading about Breonna, who was murdered in her bed in Kentucky because the cops barged into her home with a no knock warrant.  Wrong apartment.  Wrong apartment building.  Also, the police had already arrested the person they were looking for earlier in the day. They shot Breonna at least 8 times.

2 states have outlawed no knock warrants, but all states must.

Breonna was an emergency room technician.  She had plans to be a nurse. There's a petition here to sign for Justice for Breonna.  I vow to pay more attention to victims of police brutality from here on out.


mm said…
It's sad that no one has been fired, arrested, and or charged in this case.
jdoc said…
Breonna Taylor should be alive, along with so many others.
KC said…
Justice for Breonna. <3
Julie said…
I've been very sad about Breonna. I heard in one story that her uncle called her Breezy. I like that. It makes me sick that she had to die so needlessly, as have so many others.

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