The Luck?

 Edith Piaf was abandoned by her mom when she was an infant.  Her dad had to go into the first world war, so he left Edith with her grandmother.  Her grandmother owned a brothel.  The brothel workers helped look after Edith and even pitched in for some medical treatment for extreme vision problems Edith had.  In her teens, Edith ran around the streets, singing for cash

Wouldn't it be great to tell people that you grew up in your grandmother's brothel?  That's going to get listeners to sit up and take notice.  My kids basically have to tell people that they grew up in a midsized midwestern college town with 2 parents and their elementary school was right across the street. 

Some people have all the luck


cb said…
That is a good childhood story.

Your Rod Stewart link made me lol. Also, I want to see all the beautiful churches.
cb said…
P.S. It's cool that Emenem's work is in Paris!
LH said…
That Rod Stewart song is in my head now.

Churches and Emenem. Coming right up!
Mitzi Lewison said…
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Mitzi Lewison said…
Not only are Edith and Rod are having "the luck" but you are too. Enjoy it my friend. I wonder if you've got a Peter Mayle type book in you--My Year in France. Just saying.
KC said…
Maybe you can put the grandmother's brothel into your next work of fiction.
Janet said…
OK, sure. But remember that time we almost died at a Rod Stewart concert?

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