The Zoo

Lots of good news going around right now.  We're on Fall Break and today we went to the zoo.  It's ZooBoo time right now, so most zoo visitors were in costume.  As 20 Something and I snacked on tangerines and watched the elephants, a young toy storied character stared at my tangerine and said, "It's not fair.  I never get any!" He folded his arms across and his chest.  Stuck out his lip.  The whole nine yards.  I offered him a tangerine section and he took it happily.  I thought his mother might be concerned.  Food from strangers and all that, but she found the whole scenario amusing.  I guess Halloween time is here and snack sharing is an important part of the festivities.  Happy to oblige, Kid.



mm said…
Sweet... story and tangerine...
KC said…
It's kind of rude to demand a stranger's snack, IMO.

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