The Sabbath

Dale Enochs Time Flow

We have a neighbor who has been working for well over a year fixing up the house next door.  He bought the house in a state of disrepair and now he works on it every day.  Even on the weekends.  When's he going to be done?   His working all the time is starting to get on my nerves.  Right now he's over there carrying two by fours around. Sometimes you've got to stop working and rest your body and mind.  Especially on a Saturday. Let's respect the Sabbath, my friends. 

And by Sabbath, I mean the day of abstinence from working, and I do not mean a meeting of witches with the devil. Let's be clear about that. 


cb said…
Let's respect the Sabbath, indeed. As I am typing this, one of our neighbors is grinding away with the power tools. The thing is, they might actually be witches. We've often thought that.
LH said…
They probably are. And they probably have weekly meetings at midnight with the devil.

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