The Rude Crime
The Thirdlanders have to take a big test on Tuesday morning. If they don't pass this test, they are required to go to summer school and then they have to take the test again.
Question #1. If you were told that you had to pass a test this coming Tuesday and if you did not pass this test you would be spending weeks of your summer in a building with instructors and other students you've never met while everyone else you know is kicking back doing summer vacation stuff, would you have a sense of calm confidence right now? Or would you feel anxious and maybe even a little ticked off?
Second Question. Do you think this Tuesday test is a good idea?
Let me tell you something. I think this test is an act of rudeness in a normal year. This year I think it's criminal. I wish the people who thought this was a good idea would be put in jail for a few weeks this summer while everyone else they know is sent on fun vacations. While they're in their jail cells, they can think about what they've done and also study for a test that requires a passing score before they can return to freedom.
This test situation sounds horrible. A squirrel could not think of anything worse.