The Garden

Working on this little garden is one of my favorite dissertation distractions. For a month, I weeded, planted, and mulched for 15 minutes each day. Slow going, but the job is done. I stand and stare at my six plants each afternoon, in admiration and awe at my handiwork. I have pretty low expectations for myself and that seems to be working out well so far. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
I'm down with the low expectations. I need to work on lowering my own as I spend so much time being disappointed with my efforts/results. And worse yet, I often fail to start for fear of low quality results. That 15 minutes a day thing...Maybe I'll try that.

LH said…
mm, have you ever been to the flylady site?
jdoc said…
I am in the process of lowering expectations for my final master's papers. Thinking even of cutting back to low expectations for just one paper, not two. I envy your gardening skill. I am currently killing my grass.

See you in October, I hear. Yay!
Anonymous said…
I'm a tad sad to notice that the "me & big glass" photo has left the blog. I'll deal.

As for garden: thumbs up.

We are currently replacing our lawn, so this really hit home for us.

Good work mah frand.
LH said…
mm, i mention fly lady because she's the queen of the 15 minute thing. i need to apply her concept to blogging now. my next project.
jdoc. i had dinner with a bunch of profs here the other night and all of them dissuaded me from working too long on the thesis. they kept saying, get it done! get it done! not sure what that means, but i'm going to try to push thru with a little less pickiness.

Mah frond, remember, you're always in the archives. we've got to get more big glass fotos going.
what kind of grass are you getting?
Anonymous said…
This is VERY impressive, lh.

15 minutes is so good. I love FlyLady. And I love Jesus, too.
LH said…
i'm crazy about Jesus. Especially the giant one here:

the guy's amazing. but they should put a flylady up next door.
Julie Anna said…
When I dropped the kiddo off the other night for the teen fling, I noticed your garden right off. It is just beautiful! Love the ivy spilling over the edges. And you have nice grass too. I can grow anything but grass. I hate grass.
LH said…
Hey Julie. Thanks for liking the garden, that means a lot coming from you, the mistress of gardening. we don't really have grass, we have weeds that are regularly mowed. But that's why the lawn looks green, despite lack of rain. weeds don't get brown.

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