The Permit

The woman who sells tickets to the High Museum sees me holding my camera and asks if I intend to photograph. She gives me a form to fill out for a permit and tells me that there's no flash photography. As we walk into the museum, Husbandman whispers, "Do you even know how to shut off the flash?" I don't, but I figure it out when we get to the gallery, experimenting in a corner when no one is looking. With my sticker and my cheap camera, I take on the identity of art photographer as I saunter through the exhibits. I think I'm not doing enough with props in the dissertation work. This could be the answer.


Anonymous said…
I'm loving your blog, of late. I'm digging the new theme. I mean "The Theme." It only took me a week or so to catch on. ;)

And I love this picture of you on the blog!
LH said…
thanks kiddo. The Theme is working out pretty well so far. Peter wanted foto credit for that picture. I forgot to do that. my bad.

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