Story Premise #15: Do You Get It?

 Here's the thing.  New President.  Yay.  Report Cards due this week.  Boo.  But here's the other thing.  I really liked The Dead Ends premise and thought....will I ever be able to write a premise that I like as much as this one?  That probably happens to real time authors in real life, so I'm going to move past it.  Here's something ridiculous.

Jane and Jake.  High school sweethearts.  Jane was voted class clown four years running.  She's always doing nutty things.  Everyone, including Jane, thinks she's hilarious. Jake often is annoyed by Jane's antics, but he loves her anyway.  Jake is captain of the debate team and his personality tends toward the flat line.  People said they balanced each other out.

They get married after graduation. After 6 years of an up and down marriage, Jane gets pregnant.  They're both happy about being parents, but Jane makes a big joke out of the entire 9 month pregnancy.  Jake wishes she would calm down. He worries about what kind of mom she'll be. 

Jane's water breaks at her job at the local newspaper. Jake is at his dental hygienist job.  Jane doesn't call Jake.  She calls a Lyft.  She wants to video her ride to the hospital so she can make an Insta story.  She knows Jake would never be okay with that.  She thinks it's hilarious when contractions are coming faster and faster and the Lyft driver ends up birthing the kid on the side of the road.  Jane's screaming with pain and laughter while filming the entire thing.  

Later at the hospital, Jane explains to Jake that she's told the nurse to put the name Carly on the birth certificate.  "Get it?  She was born in a car?" 

Jane's giggling away when Jake whispers through clenched teeth, "Yeah, I get it.  And you'll be getting divorce papers soon." 

So the whole story from then on out is about Jake and Jane raising Carly from their separate homes.  They continue to have tensions.  Both find other partners.  As Carly gets older, Jake and Jane each sees the good sides of their ex in their kiddo.  And by the time she heads off to college, the two find their way back to each other. 


mm said…
She should of asked if he'd prefer Carla.
KC said…
This made me laugh quite a lot. Come on, Jane. :)
Julie said…
Not that I like a humor-impaired person, but there are limits, Jane.

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