The Seating

When Nancer was here visiting, we got into some school talk.  Sketchnoting during read aloud time?  Chart Making with Roz Linder's book?  Global Read Aloud?

We have about one month left of summer vacation, so this seems about right.  Today I woke up thinking about flexible seating, where kids have access to yoga balls and comfy chairs around the room. Flexible seating makes me feel some kind of way.

Around this time in July, I'm always tempted to start looking for new cool chairs for the Thirdlanders. It doesn't make sense because flexible seating causes nothing but problems for me, year after year.

Last year I had 4 yoga balls in my room and there were 4 kids who figured out how to own those yoga balls 80% of the time.  So then we had to talk about that and sort out who gets to use the yoga balls.  Annoying as all get out.

I googled Why Flexible Seating Didn't Work in My Classroom and read several essays about what a time suck flexible seating can be, what with the territoriality and the bouncing and the sticking the pencils into chairs where pencils shouldn't go.  I'm familiar with all of it.  So am I finally ready to ditch the idea of flexible seating?  Last year I bought these square cushions and everyone has one. Isn't that enough?

I might get a couple of standing tables. Maybe Husbandman can make one for me. He used to be a carpenter.


mm said…
I found the same kids used my flexible seating space, but they were the ones that needed it. Since they're older, I had less problems. I have two standing tables, and I love the standing table (for me and them!). Last year I got rid of my teacher desk, and it was soooo amazing/freeing.
Anonymous said…
Used to be a carpenter? When was that?

mem in ca
bluebirdwoman said…
School creeping in already! The sign of a great educator (or crazy 😊). The seating "thing" is always an issue. I remember years ago when I was in the classroom, I always had bean-bag seats--but like you, only 4. I think I remember the kids usually ended up making a rotating schedule. Lots of time spent on seating. Hmmm.
kc said…
I really struggle with the flexible seating as well. This post was a big relief. I ended up with flexible seating, but then with schedules about when one got to use it. Nightmare city.
jdoc said…
It sounds like flexible seating isn't so flexible if it requires a schedule. My kids' school raised some money for flexible seating starting this year. I predict that Sam will always let other kids use it (hates conflict) while Eloise will manipulate her way into the seating every day (thrives on conflict). I'll keep you posted.
LH said…
That's the thing. I don't want to schedule the use of the flexible seating, but that's what always ends up happening. So I'm appreciative of everyone weighing in on this.

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