The Mockery

Recent headline asked, "How do they make the animals in the new Lion King movie so realistic?"

I didn't waste my time on the article.  I don't know about you, but I would not call that animation realistic.  I'm just not crazy about what they've done there. The lions look stupid, imho.

Not sure they needed to remake Lion King right now.  I told #1Son my views and he agreed with me.  "I don't know why they have to remake the Disney movies," he said. "I wish they'd stop.  They're making a mockery of my childhood."

Please Disney, knock it off. Make something new.  I think you should make a movie about a tarantula in a tank who makes friends with the crickets thrown in with her as her prey.  They all escape and go on an adventure together.


mm said…
KC said…
I have a really low bar for movies and Mac's is even lower... What I'm saying is, we'll probably see this and enjoy it. But, I do see your point and #1's.
Judy said…
I wonder what kind of money it's gonna make.
Julie said…
I agree. haven't seen the new Lion King, but am not inclined to. Make the tarantula movie, definitely.

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