The Post Op

Right before the surgery, the anesthesiologist said, "I'm just going to give you something to relax first."

I was dubious.  I've had issues with anesthesia in the past.  Sometimes it doesn't work well for me and I have to yell out during surgery, "I'm feeling this!"

So this time, I just took a deep breath and tried to relax.  I shut my eyes and when I opened them, the surgery was over.  Clearly, the Canadians are anesthesia pros.  Well done.

I'm feeling kind of puny today.  Kind of tired and my mouth is sore and swollen.  I started reading about success rates for dental bone grafts this morning.  The numbers are pretty good --- 85%. I just hope I'm not one of the minority of patients in the failure rate category. I wonder what they do for the 15%.  I'll read about that later.  There's only so much I can handle at one time.


cb said…
I am going to say that, based on the anesthesia skills, your Canadian periodontist got it right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Also, I am very sorry that you had to go through this.

Wishing you a quick recovery, dear friend.

LH said…
Yeah, the anesthesia skills rocked. That’s what I’ll hang on to. Thx CMNB
Judy said…
I'm glad this part is behind you.
LH said…
Thanks, Judith. Me too. I hope it's all uphill from now on. They call this surgery, "IMPLANT RESCUE!" Sounds so dramatic, doesn't it????
mm said…
Best of luck to your... keep drawing writing with your new pens in your journal as your recover.
kc said…
IMPLANT RESCUE. we should write a whole book with that title. I hope you're feeling a bit better.

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