RH = Pw/Pws · 100%

This is called Love in the Mist.  Catchy, right?
This equation has something to do with humidity.  I have no idea what it means, but I do know it's humid right now and I am sweating.  That's just how it goes sometimes.  Summer in Indiana, you're going to be sweating, so just try to deal with it.

On the good side, #1 Son mowed the lawn today and I love when the lawn is just newly mown.
And on another good side, I sat outside Good Friend KVS's house this afternoon and watched her kids climb a tree.  I used to be awesome at climbing trees.  Seriously, champion level stuff.  No lie.

Before the tree climbing got going, her sweet son asked me, "Do you want to see me run around the house really fast?"  Of course I did, but I asked him to wait until I could get the stopwatch on my phone ready to time him.  He acquiesced and then took off.  20 seconds.  His big sister really gave him some kudos.  "20 seconds?  That's faster than last time."  I really love these 2 kiddos.  They were heading to St. Louis for some family fun so I asked them to pick me up a postcard.  They said they would.


mm said…
I adore the chimp and tiger pic... too cute.
Anonymous said…
Those two kiddos are hysterical. MJ is usually quite supportive and encouraging with others. JW
KC said…
I feel cosmically connected to KVS because we have the same name. I hope she doesn't think this is creepy. What's her birthday?

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